Sunday, December 6, 2009

Mental Health Day

Eden stayed home from school with me on Friday... she'd been pretty teary all week and I just felt like she needed a "Mommy and me" day. In fact, I found myself second guessing this whole pre-school thing all over again (she was doing great before the Thanksgiving break).... maybe we were pushing too hard, maybe this schedule is too long, maybe she didn't need to go for another year.

But much to my surprise, guess what she wanted to play ALL day?


"work" mat:

snack time:

nap time:

the lesson:
(I was roughly able to follow... something about the location of America on the globe and the stars in the sky...)

Needless to say, she'll be going back to school tomorrow!


Beth said...

I just love her so very much, her imagination and intelligence. She does make me smile each time I look at her pictures and read what is going on with all of you.

Erin Murphy said...

Awww AB is so sweet! I feel the same way about that little girl. I miss her (and all of you).

Susan said...

Eden is one in a million. Even thought AB and Erin are the 'favorites' - responding and all - there are a legion of readers who check this site daily to see what the latest is with Eden and her entourage. Better than any 'reality' show could ever be!
Much love,