What do you get when you add a baby in a doll stroller...
and a video camera?

A great game of imagination... complete with a mother taking her baby on vacation, site seeing, and a trip to the zoo.

Maybe baby brothers aren't so bad after all.
Especially when they cooperate and play 'your way'.

They will even play footsies....
and let you kiss all over them!

Oh my goodness - He is so big. he actually doesn't look as unhappy as I would be in that tiny stroller.
Great pictures! Was Eden shaking her finger at August like she does when she plays school and an unnamed classmate misbehaves????
I love it! August has grown so much just since I saw him at Eden's birthday. Has Eden worn out her Chipmunks II movie yet?
See you soon -
August has gotten so big, I can hardly wait to meet him in June. Eden has a wonderful imagination and, right now, a willing participant in her games.
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