Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pre-school Blues

Eden is learning a few hard lessons way too early in life:
1. Monday through Friday isn't near as much fun as the weekend.
2. Early mornings stink (she doesn't take after her mother).
3. School can be hard work and very exhausting.
4. Girls aren't always so nice (a story for another day).

It's only Wednesday... the third day into Eden's official start to Montessori school... and she told me that her "brain hurt"... this made my heart hurt. She cries at drop off (I do too!), she latches onto the teacher most days, and she is physically and mentally exhausted. We even had a mini conference call with the teacher and school director today regarding Eden's poor transition.

I realize that I am grieving here too. I have lost my sidekick, my co-shopper, and my back seat driver. So, maybe I am being overly empathetic... but it is taking everything I have not to just scratch this whole pre-school idea. Is she really going to be a better adjusted, contributing member of society... really? I haven't even pulled out the "heart transplant card"... but I can.

Exhibit A: 5:00pm, Wed. 9-2-09

Exhibit B: "Pink Bo" and "Purple bunny" held tight
(two items she cannot have at school)

P.S. These are just the feelings of one, hormonal member of the Murphy household and do not reflect the opinions of all remaining parental figures.

1 comment:

Erin Murphy said...

Oh that poor little monkey! She will be better, and so will you! Hard first week though...lots of love coming from Seattle to you!