Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My new music

Photo source: www.mytricuspidatresia.blogspot.com

Last August, I googled the words "Eden Heart Transplant", looking for a story that had been written on Eden - obviously assuming that was plenty of information for the world wide web to locate my daughter. To my surprise, she was not the first link to appear, but rather something else called Living For Eden caught my attention. This is how I first discovered the pianist Paul Cardall, his blog, and his story.

At that time, over a year ago, he was waiting for a heart transplant after living with half a heart for over 36 years. He also happened to have a three year old daughter named Eden. I continued to follow his blog - intrigued by his inspirational writing and beautiful music. On September 9th, after waiting more than a year, he finally received a new heart. I continue to follow his story and those of others he highlights with failing hearts. They not only give me hope, they also provide perspective and a larger family for which I feel we belong.

You, too, can read his blog here and listen to more of his music here. I dare you to buy one of his CDs - you won't regret it - I listen to mine so much that I chose to support him (even though he doesn't know it, or me) by sending some as Christmas gifts.

Again, I really hope your season was bright. What a blessing this year has been!


Water Walker said...


I went to college with Paul's brother Brian and his sister-in-law Anna (Brians wife) so have heard his story before. Brian was tragically killed last summer leaving behind Anna and two little girls. The gift of Paul's new heart certainly helped Anna and their family to get through that hard time. I'm glad you've found his music, it is amazaing!

Congrats on your new son! And I'm so happy to see Eden doing so well.

Love to you all,
(Brians cousin)

Unknown said...


I love the updates and the pics of August. Anyway, I'm glad you wrote about Paul--I first heard his "return to eden" song on your blog earlier this month and I liked it so much that I bought the whole CD on ITunes. I also found on his website that you can buy piano sheet music for some of his songs (which I was pumped about)--so I'm going to pick out my favorites and learn them on the piano! Thanks for good tunes!