Monday, July 19, 2010

Father's Day Make-up

Eden has a book titled "I Love My Daddy Because". It's been a long time favorite and is usually read to us these days. More recently, after finishing the book, she has started adding her reasons why she, too, loves her daddy. This little act inspired me to print these pictures so we could make her own version for father's day. Needless to say, it was a hit!

It went something like this (but not in this order):

I love my daddy because he takes me skiing.

I love my daddy because he teaches me to ride a bike.

I love my daddy because he lets me suck on his nose.

I love my daddy because he takes naps with me.

I love my daddy because he likes to play in the snow.

I love my daddy because he taught me to be silly.

I love my daddy because he takes me hiking.

I love my daddy because he can build a bridge.

I love my daddy because he reads to me.

I love my daddy and my daddy loves me.

1 comment:

Erin Murphy said...

Awww this is so sweet. I still think it is so weird, but brother's are dads!!