Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I heart the little things

After a hectic month of classes and studying, terrible allergies and then jury duty; I found myself exhausted and barely able to keep my head above water. (I really don't see how working moms do it!) It was so wonderful to have our moms swoop in and take care of us... not to mention our larger than life baby-sitter (btw... I dread the day she has a family of her own)! But what really got me through it, the only thing that ever does, was stopping to enjoy the little things.

Like coming home to find my two kids (and their buddy Cecilia) cuddled up in a chair with Nicole (aka... my savior) reading books, happier than ever, and still in their jammies.

Or finding August in that same chair, looking bigger than ever and wondering where my baby went.

Like a sunny day after after a big storm - perfect for making snow angels.

And shinny girl's shoes on my tap dancing boy... seriously, he is the next Sammy Davis Jr. (I guess he got it from his sister?)

Like "opposite" day at school... and any other excuse to get her to walk through the doors with a smile on her face.

And those eyes... oh those eyes will get you out of any kind of funk.

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