Sunday, March 22, 2009

The magic wand and our reality

Eden has the most fascinating imagination I have ever witnessed. I have heard that this is fairly typical for a three year old, but I still like to think that she is an above-average "make-believer". Seriously, Barney would be jealous.

On Thursday, she opened a late birthday package that included this wand among other magical princess necessities. She ran around the front yard, stars glistening a top her head, ribbons flowing behind her, creating only things that she could see - beautiful, magical, glorious things. Of course, she gave all the credit to the wand in her hand.

The very next morning we awoke to cries from Eden's room. We found her in bed, vomiting uncontrollably. This continued for several more hours - repeatedly changing sheets and pajamas - paging her doctors - crying - and calling my mom (these are the moments when I don't want to be the mom anymore). The consensus was that Eden had some sort of stomach virus. A nasty, mean one, that doesn't even like water or medicine. She spent the next two days here:

and I spent the next two nights here:

There were so many moments in the last 48 hours that I really wished this wand could share a little of it's magic. I wasn't wishing for the unimaginable... like a healthy child, a "normal" heart child, or a child that could eat and grow... that stuff is so over-rated. If that wand would have granted me one wish, I would have simply asked for my happy child.

Tonight she has returned and I go back to my bed giving thanks for the little things: laughter, hydration, and a good night's sleep.

PS... because you may be wondering... rejection was ruled out, but we won't actually know until our scheduled heart appointment on Wednesday morning. This is always our fear and is more of a concern when Eden is repeatedly fighting illness as she has been lately.

(this is what I got for sleeping on the floor!)

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